

The Business is an old family concern, with over 80 years experience in the building trade. The estates and building contractors, is the recent part of our Company being formed in 1989. This was done in order to specialize in both development and building, recognizing the special needs of visitors tourists and ex patriots.

Quality of Product
The Company, is justly proud of its quality, using trained skilled personnel only, at all stages of building. In turn the various stages of the structure, are inspected by experts specific to that skill. We employ excellent architects and engineers, with first class records of designing and planning structures. The Company is well equipped with up to date modern machinery, tools, measuring and calculating equipment. Prior to commencement of any building structure, experts are brought in, to carry out geological studies. This does two things, allows the Company to decide if it will purchase the land and it also permits the very best construction of a building taking into account the strata. At the planning stage, account is taken which elevations face the sun and those which are north facing in order to secure the best possible situation in terms of light and shape.

Customer Satisfaction
We aim to give the best possible customer satisfaction with emphasis being laid on personal attention. The Company offers excellent competitive prices, coupled with quality, which is second to none. We trust after reading this you will visit us, for a talk, with visits to the developments at various stages of completion. Without any obligation. We are confident you will be impressed with what you see.

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